2016 Road Resurfacing Program, Phase I
Contact: Doug Royer, Deputy Engineer (732-8885)
Purpose/Need: Resurfacing our existing county to improve the safety of the motoring public.
Action Necessary: Advertisement of Legal notice to obtain bids for the resurfacing of roads. Advertising for a total of 2 weeks with the legal notice advertised on May 19th and also placed on the County website. Bid opening to be on June 2, 2016.
History of Project: This project is our annual resurfacing program, Phase I. The”plans”, as defined in section 200.1 of the General Provisions, are included in section VI of the Bid Documents. We will publicly bid out 3 separate phases this year due to funding availability.
Costs: The estimated construction cost is $978,981.19. This project will be funded with MVG funds with the exception of Taylor pike, which has an OPWC grant in the amount of $370,000 with a 21% local match in the amount of $98,355.
Expected Outcomes: Resurfacing and repair of approximately 10 miles of Roadway.
Time Period: The completion date for this project is set at August 19, 2016
Responsible Department(s): County Engineers Office.