Clermont County Airport Taxiway Widening and Resurfacing (BA-02-17)
Contact: Doug Royer, Deputy Engineer (732-8885)
Purpose/Need: The project involves widening the NorthEast taxiway and resurfacing portions of the existing taxiway.
Action Necessary: Advertisement of Legal notice to obtain bids for the project. Advertising for a total of 2 weeks with the legal notice advertised on March 30th and also placed on the County website. Bid opening to be on April 13, 2017.
History of Project: This project has an approved grant from the Ohio Department of Transportation Aviation division. The NorthEast section of the existing taxiway will be widened and resurfaced and the SouthWest portion of the existing taxiway will be resurfaced. The State of Ohio Prevailing wages will be used for this project.
Costs: Construction Estimate is $156,700. The ODOT grant is in the amount of $99,145 (Any costs above $99,145 will be the responsibility of the County).
Expected Outcomes: Widening and resurfacing portions of the existing taxiway.
Time Period: The project will be completed by August 1, 2017.
Responsible Department(s): County Engineers Office.
Legal Notice – PDF
Bidders List – PDF
Bid Results – PDF