A. Visit the Employment Opportunities Page to see the positions available and to download an application.
A. Visit the Who Maintains My Road page to find out.
A. Road Related: County Engineer, (513) 732-8857.
Out of the Right-of-Way: Contact Soil & water (513) 732-7075.
A. For questions concerning speed limit changes, please Contact Senior Engineer, Amanda J. Beiting (513) 732-8874 or Brad Perry (513) 732-8868. More information about Speed Limits
A. Please Contact Senior Engineer, Amanda J. Beiting (513)732-8874
A. The paint used by Clermont County to paint yellow roadway centerlines and white edge lines is a water-based acrylic and can be removed with a solution of hot water and ammonia (one cup ammonia per gallon of water) and soap. The area with paint on may have to be soaked multiple times until the paint softens so it can be wiped clean and rinsed.
Note: Paint should be removed as soon as possible.
During the summer, the county refreshes traffic markings on the highways. Some drivers try to get around our convoy and track over the wet lines, splattering paint onto their vehicles. When that happens, the drivers call us to solve the problem. Our crew travels at only 7-10 miles per hour and has signs mounted on the trucks to inform the public of “WET PAINT”. Therefore, the County is not responsible for paint removal from vehicles that cross these lines.
A. Click here to read more about the Clermont County Highway system.
Click here to see Who Maintains My Road.
A. Click to read about the Pothole Policy
A. Click to read about more about Mowing.
A. Click to read about Snow and ice treatment.
A. See a complete list of the Clermont County roads or read more about the County Highway systems.
A. Click to contact Duke Energy.
A. Contact your local Township or Village