PID No. 111651: 2020 Road Resurfacing Program, Phase I

2020 Road Resurfacing Program, Phase I
Contact: Doug Royer, Deputy Engineer (732-8885)

Purpose/Need: Revision to bid advertisement dates and change of Bid Opening Date.  The project will include resurfacing for approximately 17.6 miles of various county roads.

Action Necessary: The Advertisement of Legal notice to obtain bids for the project for a total of 3 weeks was approved 6/17/2020 to be advertised on 6/25/2020, 7/2/2020 and 7/9/2020 with Bid Opening on 7/16/2020.  Due to the delay in ODOT Approval, the revised advertisement dates will be 7/23/2020, 7/30/2020 and 8/6/2020 with Bid Opening on 8/13/2020  This legal notice will also be placed on the County Website.

History of Project: This project has approved funding from the Ohio Department of Transportation.  The project has gone through construction plan review through the Ohio Department of Transportation.  We have now received Federal Highway Administration approval to go forward with the project.  This project utilizes federal wage rates (Davis Bacon Wages).

Costs: The construction cost is estimated to be $2,751,946.36. ODOT will participate in 80% of the construction costs up to $2,000,000. MVG funds will pay for costs that exceed $2,000,000.

Expected Outcomes: Improved safety to the motoring public.

Time Period: This project is scheduled to be completed by November 20, 2020.

Responsible Department(s): County Engineers Office.

Road List: 2020 Road Resurfacing List

Project Documents:

Bidders List – PDF
Bid Results – PDF
Legal Notice – PDF

Project Status:
