2021 Road Resurfacing Program, RS-02-21
Contact: Doug Royer, Deputy Engineer (732-8885)
Purpose/Need: Resurfacing our existing County, Township and Village Roads to improve the safety of the motoring public.
Action Necessary: Advertisement of Legal notice to obtain bids for the resurfacing of roads. Advertising for a total of 2 weeks with the legal notice advertised on February 25th and also placed on the County website. Bid opening to be on March 11, 2021.
History of Project: This project is our annual resurfacing program. The “plans”, as defined in section 200.1 of the General Provisions, are included in section V of the Bid Documents. This project will also have roads from Batavia and Williamsburg Township as well as the Village of Williamsburg.
Engineers Office Roads: 33.5 miles resurfaced and 15.5 miles repaired.
Batavia Township Roads: 2.2 miles resurfaced
Williamsburg Township Roads: 1.5 miles resurfaced
Village of Williamsburg Roads: 0.6 miles resurfaced
Costs: The estimated construction cost is $4,036,060.80. This project will be funded with MVG funds, Batavia and Williamsburg Township and Village of Williamsburg.
County Engineers Office Estimated cost: $3,545,617.19
Batavia Township Estimated cost: $286,143.50
Williamsburg Township Estimated cost: $108,338.61
Village of Williamsburg Estimated cost: $95,961.50
Expected Outcomes: Resurfacing 38 miles and repairing 16 miles of Roadway.
Time Period: The completion date for this project is set at September 1, 2021
Responsible Department(s): County Engineers Office.
Road List: 2021 Road Resurfacing List
Bidders List – PDF
Bid Results – PDF
Legal Notice – PDF