2023 Road Resurfacing Program, RS-01-23

2023 Road Resurfacing Program, RS-01-23
Contact: Doug Royer, Deputy Engineer (732-8885)

Purpose/Need: Resurfacing our existing County, Township and Village Roads to improve the safety of the motoring public.

Action Necessary: Advertisement of Legal notice to obtain bids for the resurfacing of roads.  Advertising for a total of 2 weeks with the legal notice advertised on February 16th and also placed on the County website.  Bid opening to be on March 2, 2023.

History of Project: This project is our annual resurfacing program.  The “plans”, as defined in section 200.1 of the General Provisions, are included in section V of the Bid Documents.   This project will also have roads from City of Milford, Batavia, Pierce, Union and Williamsburg Township as well as the Village of Williamsburg and roads/parking lots for various CCWRD stations.

Engineers Office Roads:  29.76 miles resurfaced, and 5 roads repaired.
Batavia Twp Roads:  2.23 miles resurfaced.
City of Milford:  0.96 miles resurfaced.
Pierce Twp Roads:  2.45 miles resurfaced.
Union Twp Roads:  5.38 miles resurfaced.
Clermont Water Resources:  0.57 miles resurfaced (access roads and lots)
Village of Williamsburg Roads:  0.425 miles resurfaced.
Williamsburg Twp Roads (Alternate #1):  0.91 miles resurfaced and repaired.

Costs: The estimated construction cost is $5,953,795.08 (Base Bid) and $484,910.50 (Alternate #1) for a total estimated cost of $6,438,705.58.  This project will be funded with MVG funds, ARPA Fiscal Recovery “Lost Revenue” funds, City of Milford, Batavia, Pierce, Union and Williamsburg Townships, Village of Williamsburg and the CCWRD.  The Williamsburg Township roads will be bid as Alternate #1 and be accepted into the contract once their OPWC grant is approved in Mid-July of 2023.

Engineers Office Roads:  $4,085,922.37 (MVG and $2,000,000 ARPA funds)

Batavia Twp Roads:  $271,995.80
City of Milford:  $180,892.95
Pierce Twp Roads:  $354,672.60
Union Twp Roads:  $777,675.22
Village of Williamsburg Roads:  $84,196.70
Clermont Water Resources:  $196,388.78
Williamsburg Twp (Alternate #1):  $484,910.50

Expected Outcomes: Resurfacing 42.69 miles and repairing 5 Roads.

Time Period: The completion date for this project is set at November 3, 2023

Responsible Department(s): County Engineers Office.

Road List: 2023 Road Resurfacing List
Road Maps: 2023 Road Resurfacing Maps

Project Documents:

Legal Notice – PDF
Bid Results – PDF
Addendum No. 1 – PDF

Project Status:

Awarded/Under Construction