Pierce Township Park Project (PID No. 105055)

Pierce Township Park Paths
Contact:   Doug Royer, Deputy Engineer (732-8885)

Purpose/Need: The project will add a new bike path for the Pierce Township Park Project located on Locust Corner Road.

Action Necessary: Advertisement of Legal notice to obtain bids for the project.  Advertising for a total of 3 weeks with the legal notice advertised on February 27th, March 5th and March 12th.  This legal notice will also be placed on the County Website.  Bid opening to be on March 19th, 2020.

History of Project: Pierce Township has applied for and received funding from the ODOT for improvements to the Pierce Township Park on Locust Corner Road.  The Clermont County Engineers office will perform the Local Public Agency (LPA) responsibilities for this grant through the Ohio Department of Transportation.  The Grant was approved in the amount of $187,635 which represents 80% of the costs, the remaining $46,909 will be funded by Pierce Township.  Any expenses above the grant amount of $187,635 shall be the responsibility of Pierce Township.   This grant includes the improvements to the Pierce Township Park located on Locust Corner Road.  The BCC entered into an agreement with Pierce Township in the Fall of 2019 to publicly bid and manage this project.

Costs: The construction estimate is $235,539.00.  The ODOT grant is $187,635.00 which represents approximately 80% of the construction costs.  Pierce Township will be responsible for 100% of the project costs above the grant amount.

Expected Outcomes: Improvements to Pierce Township Park.

Time Period: The project is scheduled to be completed by August 31, 2020.

Responsible Department(s): County Engineers Office.

Project Documents:

Bidders List – PDF
Bid Results – PDF
Legal Notice – PDF

Project Status:
