WA-21-19: Cedarville Road Bridge No. C26-4.78 Replacement

Cedarville Road Bridge No. C26-4.78 Replacement – WA-21-19
Contact: Doug Royer, Deputy Engineer (732-8885)

Purpose/Need: Replacing an existing deficient bridge.

Action Necessary: Advertisement of Legal notice to obtain bids for the replacement of a bridge on Cedarville Road.  Advertising for a total of 2 weeks with the legal notice advertised on November 10th and also placed on the County website.  Bid opening to be on December 1, 2022.

History of Project: The existing bridge is 28-foot span bridge load rated at 25 tons and bridge appraisal of 3.  The proposed bridge will be a prestressed beam on capped pile abutments.  OPWC funding was secured for this bridge in July 2021 and the project is now ready to proceed to public bidding

Costs: The estimated construction cost is $563,000.00.  This project will be funded 79% from OPWC funds and the remaining 21% from local MVG funds

Expected Outcomes: Replacement of an existing 25-ton bridge on Cedarville Road.

Time Period: The completion date for this project is set at September 1, 2023

Responsible Department(s): County Engineers Office.

Project Documents:

Bid Results – PDF
Legal Notice – PDF

Project Status:
